Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mapping Revival

One of the casualties of the death of the Nearctic Spider Database was a largely neglected, simple mapping application that permitted copy/paste of collection coordinates. The output was a b&w line map with contoured dots, mostly suitable for insertion in manuscripts. Sadly deficient was the ability to have many layers, each with different pushpin style or to crop, zoom, pan or change the projection. Unbeknown to me, folks were actually using this thing. I actually made a much better application for the AMNH to help produce outputs for their PBI grant holders. So, with Norm Platnick's permission, I re-purposed some of the code.

Here be SimpleMappr,

There are bound to be bugs or hiccups because it's never been fully tested under load, but I throw it out here for feedback and feature requests. Please let me know what you were doing when and if you witness odd behaviour; this is a very dynamic environment. Yes, there are similar sorts of applications out there in the wilds but none to my knowledge permit this sort of facile "copy/paste/tweak/export" as fast as this one can.

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